Mon 06 Jan
$50 incall special *MARISSA* catering to fetishes! Big girls do it better! - 28
(Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach)
~BRAND~ --------- ~NEW~ ---------- ~PICS~ ------- *YOUNG* -------- *TIGHT* ---------- *BLONDE* - 19
75$special. love .. all guys with respect and who thinks they can handle me ;) 843-213-7540 - 28
(Myrtle Beach, little river,longs,loris north myrtle be)
🏌⛳️ 100% Real Or I'm Free - Well Reviewed In & Outcall🏌⛳️ - 22
(Myrtle Beach, Outcall Only to Mb & surrounding areas)
@{1OOO% REAL PICS}* * ♥ HoTTesT BlOnDe In ToWn .. SeRiOuS EyE CanDy!@ - 24
(Myrtle Beach, incall/outcall)
***843 246 4520*** NICCI has Hot Specials... Available Now ***843 246 4520*** - 21
(8432464520 MB & Surrounding Areas)
Another Review for the Best Service on the Beach From the New Review Site for MB - 25
(Myrtle Beach, mb,nmb, every where)
$40 qv ♡♡Sexy Abby♡♡ 100% spankable.... Sexy Bbw...💋 - 36
(in call only south myrtle beach, Myrtle Beach)
*Absolutely The Best!* 100% Independent!* Sexy, Beautiful & Discrete* (843) 742-4013* Outcall only* - 31
(Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach & Surrounding areas)
34DD Easy --- Breezy --- & Clean ---- Beauty --- 21yrs Slender Sexy Sweet Heart --- - 21
(Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach incall all areas out call)
======= »» >>& gt;> LET ME TAKE ---- YOUR *** STRESS! ! ! AWAY :) out and incalls - 22
(Myrtle Beach)
Attention New Grl Here Jus Drpd Her Panties& Ned U To Pic Um Up Baby!!! - 22
(Myrtle Beach, IHavToys2PlyWitIn&Out;)
♡♥♡ Soft Sensual Body Rubs By Christine ♡♥♡ HOT SPECIALS OUTCALLS ONLY! CALL NOW! ♡♥♡ - 28
(Myrtle Beach)
36D Rated #1 Busty FUN Blonde - Molly ~~~ Wild Chick Molly~~~~ Hot & Ready NOW Molly ~~~ 36D - 29
(Myrtle Beach, MB incall, all areas out call)
Sun 05 Jan
°•!•° YoUr ••°° SeCrETs ••°° ArE ••°° SaFe ••°° WiTh ••°° me ••°° iF you WoNt teLL I WonT tELL!!!!!! - 23
(Myrtle Beach)
WE SHOULD MEET SOON!!! Mature Sexy Sultry and Seductive!!!!! Natural 40-DDD's - 50
(Myrtle Beach, MB)
~*Young N Wild*~ $~*Sexi N Ready 4 U!*~ $~*100% REAL!!*~ - 25
(Myrtle Beach, myrtle beach areas only!)
~~*~~ Twice the amount of fun, twice the amount of affection, 2 GiRlS, make us your selection ~~*~~ - 28
(Myrtle Beach)
WoW- Wow ~~~ Wild Chick ~~~~ Hot & Ready NOW ~~~ Molly - 29
(Myrtle Beach, MB incall, all areas out call)
Wednes Special today! 36d's all for you! An Amazing Time, An Amazing Body! - 32
(Myrtle Beach, Grand Strand)
{{{ Your in my Inappropriate thoughts}}} - 28
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach)
The Vacation Your Missing Out On!!(Your Fun Sexy Secret) :-) In and Out Call's. Call NOW!! - 21
(Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, SC and Surrounding Areas)
T✪TAL ❌👊👊 KN✪CK✪UT ❌💥✨ethiopian & korean 🎀 Thee 💋 ▃▃💃 PERFECT 🐾 ▃▃🍭 Package💘 - myrtle beach - 23
(Myrtle Beach)
+_+_+_+_+__ Unforgetable Pleasures all 4 YOU _ +_+_+_+_+ its me or free - 24
(Myrtle Beach & all areas)
TaKE:* *:A:* *:BrEaK:* *:&:* *: CoMe :* *: pLaY :* *: this:* *: Holiday . . . HONEY - 24
(Myrtle Beach)
$@¥ ¥€$ The 1 & only Black Barbi at your service!! Nice or Nasty u decide !!!!! Lets play Sumter!! - 21
(Columbia, Sumter /broad st near Sumter mall)
THIRSTY ??????? Let ME QUENCH That THIRST FOR You ITS WHETT AND ReadY TO Quench !!!!!!!!! - 32
(Myrtle Beach)
TOURNAMENT SPECIALS ... Mature Southern Sultry Sensuality ..... Natural 40DDD's - 55
(Myrtle Beach, MB)
========== XxX PlayMate ViVi Harlow AmaZon Blonde XxX ==========
(Myrtle Beach Area & All Surr. Areas)
The Girl Next Door... has a SEXY SECRET! - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, In town, Myrtle Beach)
WEEKEND RATES ......... Mature Southern Sultry Sensuality ..... Natural 40DDD's - 55
(Myrtle Beach, MB)
Special Tonight - Give Me a Call!! - 19
(Charleston, Columbia, Florence, Greenville, Hilton Head, In town, Myrtle Beach)
(¯`☆`¯) -:¦:- TrEaT -:¦:- YoUrSeLF -:¦:- To ThE BeSt -:¦:- (¯`☆`¯) NeW- HoT- BLoNDe - 22
(Myrtle Beach)
SWEET _ HEART _ •♥ o°_ I ÑTÕXICÂTIÑG _°• ♥ _ DESIRES _ ♥ _ - 21
(Myrtle Beach, Carolina Forest/ Conway incall this week)