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Frequently asked questions

What can I anticipate from my first massage? What should I do before a massage and what should I do afterward?

Taking a nice warm shower or a short swim in the hot tub before your massage is a terrific way to start unwinding and getting ready for the massage. Don't be concerned about your body type or look; massage therapists have seen hundreds of bodies of different shapes and sizes.

When is the best time for me to receive a massage?

Getting a massage is an excellent way to unwind on any given day. Get a massage to avoid damage or discomfort caused by stress before it happens. It's a lot simpler to avoid discomfort in the first place with preventative massage than it is to manage pain after an injury has happened. Keep in mind that when you are stressed, you are far more likely to damage yourself, and stress plays a big role in an astounding variety of human bodily problems. Massage is an excellent technique to cope with the emotional and physical strains of everyday life, as well as to maintain your body functioning properly.

When I get a massage, what am I supposed to do?

Assemble yourself, and then relax. You may be asked to relocate if your therapist feels that your position needs to be adjusted. Otherwise, you may adjust your position whenever it is more comfortable for you. During a session, some people choose to close their eyes and relax, while others want to converse. It's your decision. It's your massage, so do what makes you feel most at ease. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

What should I expect in terms of how I feel following massage?

Relaxing your muscles, increasing range of motion, and promoting the movement of blood and lymph are all benefits of massage. After your session, you may feel a little achy the next day. Consuming water following your message will assist in rehydrating the working tissues and preventing pain. You should also realize that after a massage, you'll be sore. Blood and nutrients are delivered to your muscles while toxins are flushed out. After exercising muscles that you don't normally utilize, you may feel some pain in the days and weeks afterwards. This is a bodily response to the inflammation that occurs during the healing process of your body.

Is it possible that massage oils may cause my skin to get inflamed?

The massage oils and lotions used by therapists are hypoallergenic. However, if you are allergic to specific oils or lotions, please notify us, since we often keep a variety of oils and lotions on hand. The "glide" they give is more important than the absorption properties of a body lotion, which is why they are employed. The lipids in some oils that aren't absorbed by the skin might cause an occasional breakout in some people. Rather than that, the fats in particular oils sit on top of the skin, causing discomfort. Hence, you must always consult your therapist in advance.

What if I'm self-conscious about my appearance due to cellulite, scars, or being overweight?

There are situations when a client requests a massage but expresses concern about the appearance of their thighs due to excess fat or cellulite. It's important to remember that massage therapists have dealt with a wide range of body types and ages, and we aren't here to make judgments about you. For us, massage is a fantastic gift to give to both men and women, regardless of their age or weight, and we're pleased with the services we can provide to those in need or just looking to relax and enjoy the pleasures of massage.

Is the massage therapist going to be in the room when I get dressed?

It is important to undress to your level of comfort before beginning the massage, and your therapist will leave the room for a short period of time for this purpose. After a few moments, the therapist will knock on the door to ensure you've had sufficient time to prepare for the massage. At the conclusion of the massage, the therapist will exit the room once more to allow you to change in solitude.

Does the massage hurt?

This depends on the style of massage and the depth of the strokes that are being applied. Nothing can go wrong with a mild, pleasant massage that doesn't go too deep into the muscles. That being said, there is a 'feels wonderful' hurt and a 'ugh, stop it' hurt that can be experienced. Massage should always be in the "feels nice" range of pain, even if it is a deep tissue massage. Pain may indicate that the muscle is inflamed or damaged, and the pressure should be reduced. Pain might also lead you to tense up, preventing the massage from having a calming impact on you. Most effective and profound massages always work with your body's natural response, not against it.

Are there any whale sounds or flutes that I must hear throughout my massage?

There is nothing wrong with that. However, while many therapists will play soothing "new age" music for their clients, you have the option of playing your own tunes or not playing any at all. You can boost your experience by listening to 60-beat-per-minute music, according to recent research. Ask your therapist what music they have on hand, or if it is okay to bring your own. While getting a massage, you may listen to your favorite relaxing music.

What if, during the course of my massage, I have an erection?

It's not uncommon. However, the majority of guys shy away from getting massages for fear of the same thing happening to them. They may also try to relax with a massage but are unable to do so due to their anxiety. Then, there's no need to be ashamed. Non-sexual, therapeutic, full-body massages have been shown to induce erections in males. Professional massage therapists are well-versed regarding this.